Monday 13 February 2012

Joe and Jade.

Oh dear it's all a bit overwhelming and the day has hardly begun. Got a call from Joe to ask if i would pick him up from his girlfriends around 12 .30 am seems they had a bit of a problem. Got there at 1.30 and spoke to Jades mum, Joe had said that Jade wasn't the girl he started out with and that she had changed but he wouldn't say why. Jade was in pieces and they had decided to have a week's break...on Valentines day!!!! ...mind you Joe says that Jade started off the whole conversation.
In the car on the way back Joe said that Jade was too needy and that she needed to fight for the relationship like she would have done before, she used to be more fiery. Her confidence seemed to have gone and he felt he had to speak up for her at times. He didn't know if he still fancied her but there was still a chance for things if she realised why he felt this way. He was very grown up and had some good insight into Jades situation and her mothers and how it was all related to some friendships that had fragmented over the year. I have always told him to be true and not compromise on love it has to be the right person. I have to agree that they have spent an inordinate amount of time with each other lately and i hardly ever say him at home at times.
On arrival home we sat and ordered a single rose, a teddy and some chocs from interflora for her tomorrow. Not cheap but he needed to do something. We discussed money and i mentioned that i would be retiring he said what just for next month and i said well i won't see 65 so i need to get it now. It upset him, i underestimated i think how much he knew about my health and he said everyday he wonders. I have confused things because i can't bear seeing him upset, i look and act well. He went to bed soon after and i stupidly played Hymn D'amour a song by Edith Piaf which would make you cry even if you were sitting on a happy cloud! So i had a bit of a bawl and now it's nearly 3am i have to be at work tomorrow because there is a huge problem with a holiday for a tenant that needs to be resolved as he leaves on Saturday and it's the last thing i want to do.
I need to sleep, let's see how tomorrow goes.

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