Tuesday 15 May 2012

Positive scans and rebellious butts and dancing.

Had my scan last week and the results the following day, it seems that there is no further progression and possibly a reduction in size of the lung mets! Hoorah.....so keeping on with Chemo. I was happy to hear this but not as happy as the people that i tell it seems, i guess in the back of my mind i know that this is good for now but the long term is still a battle.
On Friday i went to see a modern dance performance at the Peacock theatre with some friends who i met through salsa.....it was brilliant the dancing was exceptional and very moving at times, by the end of the night me and my friends were up and dancing the audience were cheering and whooping at each extraordinary move that the dancers made, it is good to have brilliant evenings with good friends.
Today well! today started badly we all went to bed a good bit earlier than usual last night and somehow it affected my ability to get up, the alarm went off twice and i remember just turning it off and turning over, somehow the reason it was set escaped me and it was only when the children arriving at the school opposite woke me at 9 that i remembered...... my boys should have been at school at 8.30!!!!!!! Quickly got them up and borrowed the neighbours car to get them there.
Then this happened....... i posted this on the beating bowel cancer forum i felt that some people may find it useful that these situations can happen to everyone, either that or  i have exposed myself a little too much for people to palate.......we will see! but this is life sometimes with bowel cancer!!!

Right i just thought i would get down to the nitty gritty.......probably after a day of my bowels causing me a mountain of grief! Those of us whose bowel is less than it used to be and have to take chemo and any other meds will often suffer from rebellious bowels.....mine decided to picket today big time!!!
It is ironic that i was at my neighbours having tea and a chat during which she told me that she has a bowel problem hers has prolapsed....this developed into a general discussion and i relayed what happened to me a couple of months ago.. I was at home and suddenly needed to get to the loo at times the bowel likes to play games and give me no warning that it is going to need a loo visit. I rushed upstairs with the need to go wiggle only to find Adam in the loo......hurry up i neeeeed to go!!! ....no i can't you'll have to wait.....i can't wait!!!!!! i am still on the loo.......hurry up!!!!! quick!!..... Zak appears at this point a 12 year old and all boys love! toilet humour.....Adam you need to hurry nooooooowwwwwww!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO i can't hurry.............. me sitting on the top of the stairs wriggling and butt clenching then...........oh no! that was it!!!! i sat there and realised it was too late.......RIGHT THAT'S IT I HAVE SHIT MYSELF!!!!! there is Zaki in fits at the bottom of the stairs hysterical with laughter...... a moment later Adam appears.
Well no sooner had i relayed this then i realised the bowel was in rebellious mood again..... i wriggled on the chair and looked outside at the pouring rain.....maybe i can ride this through? clench clench then no Sorry i am going to have to use your loo. I cannot think of anything worse than having loose bowels away from home but there was nothing for it, but dammit didn't quite make it in time sat on the loo liberally spraying the lovely lavender spray that she had bought probably not realising when she bought it that it would be covering a poo tsunami! Sorted myself out then quickly left quite uncomfortably and headed home, luckily 4 houses up the road...home and bath!!! heaven...haven't got back to Maggie yet to apologise but i am sure she understands, as i would if the tables were turned.
Since then they have been going great guns in order to spoil my evening with dashes upstairs, my backside is sore and my stomach is starting to complain too.
I just thought i would put it out there, don't leave me hanging any other sordid tales to tell!??? This is what happens sometimes and we are not alone i think in having our bowels rebel when we really wish they wouldn't.!!!

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