Tuesday 17 April 2012


A day stuck to the sofa, yesterday i tackled the garden, mowed the lawn potted on some plants, tidied the front garden, cleaned out the chickens ..... today i am shot. Woke up with the most horrendous headache, went to sleep with a toothache not sure which is worse, hoping the tooth will sort itself out, or leave me alone whatever works.
Just want to be able to move around as soon as i do thump thump thump!
Woke up this morning to the sound of children counting down until they opened the new school gates. The school is literally opposite my house and two years ago they started updating it. They have kept a couple of the old Edwardian buildings, it was built in 1905 and then added on new modern buildings. I have had a crane and various builders and trucks skips etc trundling past the house ever since.
All my three boys went ot the school but Zak the last left in September so we didn't get the benefit of the disruption at all!
It is nice to hear kids again though and they have moved the playground so that it is opposite us, a lost opportunity as i said to the boys to spy on them whilst they were at school!
The dogs are going to be fed up today as i cannot contemplate at the moment taking them out, they will ahve to make do with a visit to the garden.
Thump thump thump!
I ended up talking to the bowel cancer nurses about my thumping head, they suggested i call the chemo unit. I did and spoke to the locum chemo nurse she said go to A and E. Spoke to Louisa who said much same get checked out. Phoned my GP and a new receptionist said no sorry no appointment, in the past they have managed to fit me in. Still sitting on the sofa and thinkg that i really do not want to have to go anywhere but this head will not shift. Think i will have a bath and see how i feel then, the boys have bought themselves something to eat so that i don't have to cook.
Fed up with not feeling 100 percent i know that a lot of people feel worse than me but i want to be able to get on and do things and it seems i take one step forward then end up two steps back almost immediately. Chemo is really wearing, tempered by the fact that it is giving me longer time i hope but in the middle of it all it would be easy to give up.

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